
Introduction to the Miscellaneous Utilities

Cement includes a Miscellaneous Utilities Module with helpers for common tasks that don't fit anywhere on their own.

API References:

Initialize Default Dictionaries

The included misc.init_defaults() is used to initialize a defaults dictionary for configuration settings and meta options.

from cement.utils.misc import init_defaults

# create a dict with nested dicts
CONFIG = init_defaults('myapp', 

# setup the nested dicts
CONFIG['myapp']['foo'] = 'bar'
CONFIG['log.logging']['level'] = 'INFO'
CONFIG['output.json']['overridable'] = True

The init_defaults helper simply generates a dict with nested dicts of the given keys. It does not do anything special, but is used throughout the documentation as it generally makes things more readable in examples.

You can always use a standard dict for configuration and meta defaults, which often makes more sense when building larger applications with a lot of default settings to manage.

Testing True Values

When reading configuration files and other unknown data sources, we often need to convert strings to boolean. For example, a setting of true read from a configparser text based config file will be a str type, but we want it as an bool.

The misc.is_true() helper converts common true values to boolean.

from cement.utils.misc import is_true

# testing true values

# testing false values

Minimal Logging

Cement provides a misc.minimal_logger() helper for use outside of the App object, most notably for extensions (though they can use the application log also). This should only be used by the framework, or when the application log is not available (before application is setup maybe).

from cement.utils.misc import minimal_logger
LOG = minimal_logger('logging-namespace')
LOG.debug('This is a debug message')

Random Strings

The misc.rando() helper is available when a random string is necessary, generally used for testing purposes.

from cement.utils.misc import rando

# create a random string (md5)

# add a salt

Limit Text Line Length

When working with command lines, keeping output lines to less than 78 characters is a good best-practice. Cement provides the misc.wrap() helper to accomplish this by adding a line break \n

from cement.utils.misc import wrap

long = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis blandit cursus eros eget dictum. Curabitur eleifend nunc id eros consequat, vitae convallis quam sollicitudin. Nunc vitae efficitur lorem. Quisque facilisis imperdiet sem, nec facilisis elit faucibus non. Cras vitae interdum orci. Donec rutrum diam eget leo tincidunt, quis feugiat neque fermentum. Cras vel velit nibh. Phasellus porttitor, diam vitae ornare malesuada, mauris nulla ornare tortor, id congue tellus justo vel urna. Quisque tincidunt quis enim a bibendum. Donec sagittis nulla eu elit sollicitudin consequat."

# wrap with default 77 characters
res = wrap(long)

# wrap with a total of 50 characters, and break long words / hyphens
res = wrap(long, width=50, long_words=True, hyphens=True)

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