
Introduction to the Filesystem Utilities

Cement includes a Filesystem Utility Module with helpers for common tasks related to filesystem management.

API References:

Temporary Directories and Files

Creating and cleaning up temporary directories and files can be tedious, so we created the fs.Tmp class to make management easy:
import os
from cement import fs

# create a tmp object (includes dir and file)
with fs.Tmp() as t:
    # do something with a temporary dir
    print('Temp Dir: %s' % t.dir)

    # do something with a temporary file
    print('Temp File: %s' % t.file)
    with open(t.file, 'w') as f:
        f.write('some data')

When using the Python with operator, the temporary directory and file are automatically cleaned up when exiting the block.

Backup Directories and Files

Creating a .bak of a directory or file before modifying it is one of the most common tasks when working with the filesystem, but often takes some tedious code to do so without overwriting existing backups. The fs.backup() creates a .bak file, or if it exists .bak.0, .bak.1, .bak.2, etc.

from cement import fs

# create a backup of a file or directory

Filesystem Paths

Best practice when working with paths is to use os.path.join() to ensure cross-platform compatibility and also expanding the absolute path to account for things like ~ (user home dir) on Linux. We've created a number of helpers to meld these together for common tasks:

from cement import fs

# expand the full absolute path

# join a path while also expanding absolute path
fs.join('~', '.myapp')
fs.join('.', 'some', 'sub-dir')

# join a path and test that it exists
path,exists = fs.join_exists('~', '.myapp')
if exists is True:
    # do something with the full absolute path

# ensure a directory exists

# ensure a parent directory exists

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