
Introduction to the Cache Interface

Cement defines a Cache Interface, but does not implement caching by default.

Cement often includes multiple handler implementations of an interface that may or may not have additional features or functionality than the interface requires. The documentation below only references usage based on the interface and default handler (not the full capabilities of an implementation).

Cement Extensions That Provide Cache Handlers:

API References:


Application Meta Options

The following options under App.Meta modify configuration handling:




The handler that implements the cache interface.

Working with Caches

The following example uses the Memcached Extension, which requires the pylibmc library to be installed, as well as a Memcached server running on localhost:11211.

from cement import App
from cement.utils.misc import init_defaults

CONFIG = init_defaults('myapp', 'memcached')
CONFIG['cache.memcached']['expire_time'] = 300 # seconds
CONFIG['cache.memcached']['hosts'] = ['']

class MyApp(App):
    class Meta:
        label = 'myapp'
        config_defaults = CONFIG
        extensions = ['memcached']
        cache_handler = 'memcached'

with MyApp() as app:
    # Run the app

    # Set a cached value
    app.cache.set('my_key', 'my value')

    # Get a cached value

    # Delete a cached value

    # Delete the entire cache

Creating a Cache Handler

All interfaces in Cement can be overridden with your own implementation. This can be done either by sub-classing CacheHandler itself, or by sub-classing an existing extension's handlers in order to alter their functionality.
from cement import App
from cement.core.cache import CacheHandler

class MyCacheHandler(CacheHandler):
    class Meta:
        label = 'my_cache_handler'

    # do something to implement the interface

class MyApp(App):
    class Meta:
        label = 'myapp'
        cache_handler = 'my_cache_handler'
        handlers = [

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